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Beneluxvet B.V., with its place of business at Staalwijk 53-55,
8251JP Dronten, Netherlands, is responsible for the processing of personal data as set out in this privacy statement.
Contact details:
Staalwijk 53-55
8251JP Dronten
Tel: +31 321 38 11 55
 Liesbeth van Wijk is the Data Protection Officer at Beneluxvet B.V. She can be contacted at info@beneluxvet.nl
What personal data do we process?
Beneluxvet B.V. processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide us with the data yourself.
Below is a list of personal data that we process:
- First and last names
– Address details
- Phone number
- Email address
- Location details
- List of customer contact details via an app
- Bank account number
Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process:
Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data on website visitors who are under the age of 18 unless they have permission from their parents or guardians. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is 18 or over. We therefore advise parents to monitor their children’s online activities to prevent their children’s data from being collected without parental consent. If you believe that we have collected personal data about a minor without such consent, please contact us at info@beneluxvet.nl and we will delete this information.
For what purpose and on what basis do we process personal data?
Beneluxvet B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes:
To handle your payment
To call you or send you an email if necessary in order to perform our services
To inform you of changes to our services and products
To enable you to create an account
To deliver goods and services to you.
Beneluxvet B.V. also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, such as data we need for our tax returns.
Automated decision-making:
Beneluxvet B.V. does not use automated processing to make decisions about matters that could (significantly) affect individuals. These are decisions made by computer programs or systems, without any human (e.g. an employee of Beneluxvet B.V.) being involved.
How long do we keep personal data?
Beneluxvet B.V. does not retain your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which your data is collected. We adhere to the following retention periods for the following (categories of) personal data.
Address: for as long as a business relationship exists, with a minimum retention period of 7 years as a tax and legal obligation.
Company name: for as long as a business relationship exists, with a minimum retention period of 7 years as a tax and legal obligation.
Email address, phone number: for as long as a business relationship exists.
Names of relevant employees and their business contact details: for as long as a business relationship exists, with a minimum retention period of 7 years as a tax and legal obligation.
Sharing personal data with third parties:
Beneluxvet B.V. only provides personal data to third parties if this is necessary for the performance of our agreement with you or to comply with a legal obligation.
Cookies or similar techniques:
Beneluxvet B.V. does not use cookies or similar techniques.
Viewing, modifying or deleting your data:
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw any consent you have given for data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by Beneluxvet B.V. You may also ask us to remove your personal data from our systems. We will comply with your request unless we have a legitimate interest or a legal obligation not to delete the data yet. If we are unable to delete your data for legal reasons, we will do so once the statutory retention period has expired. Once we have deleted the data, we cannot immediately delete all copies of the data from our servers and back-up systems for technical reasons. We may refuse to comply with such requests if they are made unreasonably frequently, require unreasonable technical effort or have an unreasonable technical impact on our systems, compromise the privacy of others or are extremely impractical.
You can submit a request to view, correct, delete or transfer your personal data or a request to withdraw your consent or an objection to the processing of your personal data by sending an email to info@beneluxvet.nl.
Right to object:
You have the option to object to the use of your personal data if such use is not necessary for the performance of our services or the fulfilment of a legal obligation. Even if you had given your consent at an earlier stage, you can object to further use of your personal data.
If you wish to object to the use of your data, please let us know by sending us a letter, addressed to Beneluxvet B.V., Staalwijk 53-55, 8251 JP Dronten, Netherlands, or by sending an email to info@beneluxvet.nl. If you wish to object, please state clearly in the letter which use of your data you object to. You will receive a written response from us within 8 weeks of your objection.
In order to make sure that the request to view your data was made by you, please send us a copy of your proof of identity along with the request. Black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip of numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Citizen Service Number (BSN) in this copyto protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than 8 weeks after receipt.
Beneluxvet B.V. would also like to inform you that you have the option of filing a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do so at: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/nl/contact-met-de-autoriteit-persoonsgegevens/tip-ons
How do we secure personal data?
Beneluxvet B.V. takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification. If you believe that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of it being misused, please contact our customer service team or send an email to info@beneluxvet.nl